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Report on Burns Supper
Saturday 18th February 2006

Air Na Creagan held it's second, and again sucssessful, Burns Supper at the Ardrossan Youth Centre on Saturday 18th Februaury 2006.  A great night was had by all - speaches, toasts, a bit of piping, planty of burns recitals, some singing, plenty of good food (including a special barbeque soup!!), music and a bit of dancing.  Click any of the photos below to see bigger versions (opens in a new window).

programme front
table layout
programme centre
piping the haggis in
let's say grace!
camera man
man with knife
destroyed haggis
toast to the haggis
piping the haggis out
piping the haggis out
Maureen's song
tough man?
michael trying to balance his wine
Alan showing Michael how it should be done
man with kilt
man with belly
Chairperson's welcome
Chairperson's welcome
Ladies toiliet
Ooops - thought it was the laddies toilet!
Did anybody see me?
I saw you - and we got photos
Have I been to drama classes
Drama classes?
OK, I'll admit it - I've been to drama classes
Toast to Air na Creagan
Toast tae the Lassies
Toast tae the Lassies
Toast tae the Lassies
Reply fae the Lassies
Reply fae the Lassies
Reply fae the Lassies
Show it - see the poster?
He's no ma Dad - I'm good lookin'

Photos: Brian Loye

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Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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