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Report on Durisdeer Hills
5 April 2008   (3703 views)

Black Hill and Well Hill, Durisdeer

Saturday 5th April 2008

Seven of us met at Durisdeer at 10:30am with the plan to go up Black Hill then onto Well Hill and return along the Roman Road.

Firstly we had to have a look in the church at the Queensberry Marbles before setting off. We headed off out of the hamlet and crossed the burn and continued north along a vague path towards Black Hill. There was a biting cold wind but with good visibility we could see over the Solway Firth to Cumbria. As we gained height we could see the outline of the Roman Fortlet in the valley?.well everyone but Jacqui could see it as she hadn?t a clue what she was meant to be looking at!! We didn?t wait long at the trig point on the summit of Black Hill as it was too cold. So off we went heading north east to Well Hill. There wasn?t many places out of that wind we could stop for lunch but found a sheltered spot before we ascended up Well Hill. The weather started to change and hail showers rolled in, some of which just missed us. We didn?t wait long at the top of Well Hill either because of the cold then had a steep decent. Looked like the hill was one big rabbit warren and I bet the rabbits were in their wee hooses snug and warm!

Once onto the track we headed back to Durisdeer. Ted walked along the Roman Road to investigate the remains of the fortlet but by this time none of the rest of us could be bothered. Once Ted had rejoined us we (or should I say I) decided to have the group photo. Everyone was getting fed up waiting for me to find the timer button on my new camera! Eventually by the time the photo was taken the hail was on again and this was the most prolonged shower of the day.

Throughout the day we were continually reminded that Mark had a ferry to catch at 8pm and didn?t want to miss it. For once Mark?s walk was not an endurance test and only lasted about 5 hours. Could that be because he had that ferry to catch at 8pm!!!! Mark has a reputation for saying his walks are easy to moderate but in reality they have been some of the hardest walks I have been on. Makes me wonder what he has in store for us for our Northern Ireland trip in May!!!!

Today?s attendees:- Mark, Kevin, Ted, Paul, Gail, Jacqui and Irene.

Irene Cahill

Mr K giving a history lesson
Where are we?
another hail shower
hail shower approaching
Team photo
Church at Durisdeer
Irene and Jacqui
steep hill
Roman Fortlet
blue sky
towards Black Hill

Photos: Irene Cahill and Mark Kinnon

Affiliated to:

Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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