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Report on The Whangie
13 April 2008   (4050 views)

The Whangie
Sunday 13th April 2008

I decided to organise an easy walk to the Whangie and was surprised that out of 8 folk I was the only person who had been there before.

The weather turned out better than expected which made the decision for Alan and Kathryn to come along with 2 year old Niamh. We met at the Queens View Car Park at 11am and headed over the stone style and up towards the Whangie.

It was rather muddy in places but we have seen worse. As there was a Geocache near the Whangie we decided to seek it out. So with 8 of us plus a toddler looking for it, we easily found it. We left a the usual club card and took a bangle out for Niamh.

The Whangie is a strange rock formation cut into the side of a rolling hill. Last time we were here we watched the rock climbers but there were none out today. After lunch we headed up to the trig point at Auchineden Hill which is 357m!!! We then made out way round the hills and headed back down to the carpark. I had lost count the number of times Niamh had me singing Rolymo from the Cbeebies today. Alan, her daddy, on the other hand made up songs as he went along which had her in the giggles. Niamh was happy rolling, throwing and kicking her teddy downhill till we got back to the car. A good easy day was had by all.

Today's team - Irene, Maureen, Michael, Lydia, Gail, Dorothy, Kathryn, Alan and Niamh.

Irene Cahill

Michael and Maureen
Kathryn and Lydia
Niamh and her daddy
The Whangie
Gaffney picnic
team at lunch
group photo
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Photos: Irene Cahill

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Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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