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Report on Corrour - Fort William
2 June 2008   (4988 views)

As you know I have been ill over the winter and I had reached the point that I need some (me) time, so I decided to go for a walk.

I had been full of good intentions by using the bus as I get for free but my plans were scuppered and I ended up using the train. My ticket was only ?15 return. I arrived at Corrour around 4.30 pm and walked to Loch Ossian Youth Hostel where I was let in by Mike the Y H warden. After settling in for the night I started to make my tea, which was a cuppa soup followed by pasta with a meatball sauce and a pear to follow with coffee. There were other people in on Monday night and a game of dominoes followed till lights out at 10.30pm.

Next day I was up, fed and on my way by 7.30am. The weather was overcast with a slight drizzle but this cleared after an hour or so. The road was good over to Loch Treig. I carried on round the loch to Creaguaineach Lodge where I turned left over the bridge for Fort William. After some rain the sun came out for the rest of the day and my walk and spirits brightened. It was tough going over the route and after the first 12 miles I still had not met anyone. I passed Meanach Bothy then decided to have lunch. After lunch I fell into a bog and getting out was murder (no photo?s unfortunately). I managed to carry on till I came to a gate across the route.

Mike at Corrour had told me that there was a bus from the end car park in Glen Nevis that would take me to Glen Nevis Youth Hostel, so by the time I got there I was ready for it. Needless to say there wasn?t a bus and my brain had already said to my feet ?no further?, so I sat down and took of my boots and put on my trainers. That?s where I thought, ?a lift might be good? so I stuck out my thumb and a nice couple (the girl from Inverness and the guy from OZ) gave me a lift to the Youth Hostel where my journey more or less ended.

See the photo of me happily waiting for the train back to Queen Street in Glasgow.

Peter Reid

Peter at station
the view

Photos: Peter Reid

Affiliated to:

Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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