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Report on Corserine
17 August 2008   (3721 views)


Sunday 17th August 2008

Present:- Gail, Dorothy, Irene, Kevin and Mark.

Route:- We headed SW along forest tracks then uphill onto Rig of Clenrie (NX536828). Then W to Meikle Millyea (NX518828) and NW along the Rhinns of Kells until reaching Corserine (NX497870). We headed NE then decended E down into the forest again crossing the Folk Burn then the Polharrow Burn and back to the carpark.

Irene Cahill

up through the heather
Dorothy in heather
back towards the forest
Rhinns of Kells
Dotty the photographer
Irene and Dorothy
Mark Gail and Kevin
more views
on the decent
Carlins Cairn
Jack and Victor

Photos: Irene Cahill

Affiliated to:

Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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