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Report on Pentlands
22 November 2008   (3204 views)

Present:- Dorothy, Gail, Nita, Keith, Mark and Irene.

We met at 10am at Flotterstone Ranger and Visitors Centre. It was bitterly cold and our fingers felt like blocks of ice by the time we got ourselves together and ready for the walk.

We headed along the path from the Visitors Centre, over a wooden bridge, past cows and upwards towards Turnhouse Hill. It got colder the higher we climbed and the wind picked up. By the time we reached Turnhouse Hill it felt like the Arctic...not that I have ever been there!! It was dry with good visibilty but the wind would cut you in two. We headed on to the next peak which was Carnethy Hill. We sheltered for lunch out of the wind beside the large cairn on the summit. As we headed back down to the gate between peaks, Dorothy produced a ski mask from her rucksack and insisted on wearing it. She looked like a bit scary, more like a cross between Hannibal Lector and a terrorist! She got strange looks from passing walkers in fact they hardly made eye contact with her I think out of fear!

So as we continued heading downhill, I wondered why there was a road ahead as I couldn't remember this from the last time. So thought it was time we checked the map only to discover we were coming down the wrong path because when we were on Carnethy Hill I thought it was Scald Law. Mark was in his glory slagging me off about this! Anyway we got to the road at Logan's Cottage and headed past the Loganlea Reserviour to meet the path we should have come down at The Howe. We continued up and around Black Hill overlooking the Threipmuir Reserviour. Before Bell's Hill we headed towards Logan's Cottage again then along the road past Glencorse Reserviour and back to the Visitors Centre. We had a drink in the Flotterstone Inn before heading home. A good day was had by all.

Total Time: 6 hours 30 minutes

Irene Cahill

Mark freezing
looking back towards Turnhouse Hill
well earned rest on carnethy hill
heading up Carnethy Hill
Gail and Mark still freezing
Hannibal the cannibal
guess who
Nita and Dorothy
Keith and Gail
Glencorse Reserviour
lunchtime on carnethy hill
cold day on the pentlands

Photos: Irene Cahill and Keith Salmon

Affiliated to:

Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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