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Report on Cioch na h'Oighe
26 April 2009   (4199 views)

Todays Craggy Crew - Irene, Kevin and Mark.

As everyone else on the weekend headed for the ferry, Kevin, Mark and myself headed up Glen Sannox. Kevin decided he wanted to lead the way and find the path to Cioch na h'Oighe. We crossed the small burn and followed the faint path which disappeared so after. We then trudged through the heather to we eventually found the path again.

The narrow path quickly headed uphill till we reached the beginning of the scrambling where there was a faint arrow on the rock pointing up. Now I remember the last time I did this hill as I was 3 stone heavier and had to be pushed, pulled and hauled up! So here I was deciding how to negotiate the first hurdle. After a couple of minutes working my hand and foot holds I surprised myself by getting up the crack in the rock easily. We gained height quickly and soon we were on the summit. I actually managed it on my own without help from the guys. Kevin was in front and Mark behind me incase I needed a soft landing!

About half way up we were in clouds which may have helped me get over the ridge as I never feel confident with too much exposure. We had nearly completed the ridge when Mark turned back as he thought he had lost a hat from his rucksack. I hoped it was his ugly old man's hat he had on earlier but unfortunately he hadn't lost anything but it would have been easier if he had looked in his rucksack first!! We got to the place where the path decended into Corrie and made the decision to head down and get a drink before catching the bus to the ferry. If there had been better visibilty and we weren't so tired from all the walking the previous day, we would have continued to Goatfell and down to Brodick.

Anyway another great day and my arms were aching for days with all the scrambling....but it was worth it!

Irene Cahill

Mark scrambling
Kevin in gloves
through the clouds
Mark in that hat
Irene on Cioch na h'Oighe
Kevin looking miserable
the ridge
Irene looking back at that ridge
Kevin Irene and Mark
a colourful day

Photos: Irene Cahill

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Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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