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Report on Beinn Bhuidhe
31 May 2010   (4058 views)

Today's Craggy Crew - Mark, Amy, Gail and Irene

Gail and I were looking forward to this walk as it was another opportunity to take our bikes. Mark and Amy decided to join us after borrowing a bike for Amy.

We travelled in convoy to the start which is just before the Glen Fyne Brewery at the head of Loch Fyne. Gail and I have now mastered how to get our bikes into the back of my estate car without to much trouble now. Mark and Amy's were attached to a bike carrier which is a bit more awkward.

After Mark faffed around we eventually set off at 11.30am along a single track road heading north east through Glen Fyne. The weather was perfect and the scenery stunning. We had to stop a few times whilst Mark decided to take on the roll of a film director and the 3 of us had to act as though we were casually cycling past him. The problem was that Mark couldn't do what I can do and that is to film whilst cycling using one hand but we know men just can't multi-task! Further along the road we encountered a herd of Highland cows with their calves. Now after Hilary's lucky escape a couple of months ago, we were apprehensive but thankfully they never bothered with us.

After cycling approx 7km we reached a gate and a polite notice asking cyclists to dismount as use the bike rail supplied to secure them. We then had a further walk along the track until we reached the derelict Inverchorachan cottage.

Through another gate and a clear sign pointing west towards the waterfall. We headed steeply along the narrow path with views of the waterfall ahead which seemed never ending. We came to a tricky scramble which took us round a protruding rock. It was bit unsettling because we came across a couple who were descending and the woman seemed to be taking a flaky but they didn't ask for our assistance and they changed their minds and headed uphill which looked as though they were making it more difficult for themselves. Just after this we came to a grassy area with a small cairn so this was chosen as our first lunch stop.

We continued west following the path until we reached Meall an Daimh (753m). The steep crags of Beinn Bhuidhe were ahead and looking daunting. We started the steep climb which would have been difficult in winter conditions. We then headed south west along a ridge till eventually the summit came into view (948m). The views were stunning and we could even see Ben Nevis in the distance. After another long rest lying in the sun, we decided to make our descent as by now it was 4:30pm.

The descent was quicker than expected as it only took 1 hour 30 minutes to get back to Inverchorachan cottage. That difficult protruding rock seemed easier on the way down too. We walked wearily back to our bikes and with 7km to go we were thankful to be cycling rather than walking to our cars. The cycle back was really great and we zoomed past those Highland cows this time. It took 20 minutes to cycle the 7km and we reached our cars for 7pm. Unfortunately since this was a holiday Monday we got caught in a traffic jam along the banks of Loch Lomond on our way home but this didn't dampen our spirits especially Amy's as she slept right through it! We all agreed we had a great day out.

Irene Cahill

Mark leading the way
heading to Beinn Bhuidhe
steep path
a wee breather
wee cairn
Ben Nevis in the distance
path nearing the summit
summit photo
view from summit
Gail and Amy
Gail sleeping on summit

Photos: Irene Cahill

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