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Report on Ben More & Stob Binnein
5 June 2010   (3804 views)

Today's Craggy Crew - Gail, Irene, Mark and Michael B

We parked on the roadside beside Benmore Farm where there was a sign pointing to Ben More. We headed up the zig zag track and decided to follow the path alongside the Benmore Burn. The weather today was perfect for sunbathing but a bit too hot for hillwalking as it quickly drained our energy.

After some debate we decided we wanted to get to Bealach-eader-dha Benn but lost the path and headed uphill through the tussocky grass. Just before the bealach a path appeared again. We decided this was a good spot for lunch with excellent views of Stob Binnein and Ben More.

Lunch over and Stob Binnein was our first target. There was an easy path to the summit which took us just over 30 minutes. The sky was beginning to look gloomy in the distance so after a quick rest we decided to make our way back to the bealach and head up Ben More.

Again just over 30 minutes up the steep path and we were on the summit with a wee scramble to negotiate. Since we were unsure whether the trig or the cairn was the true summit we had to visit both just to be on the safe side. Mark was happy chatting to a girl from his homeland and I was wondering why do they all sound like Christine Bleakley???

The sky cleared and we decided to retrace our steps back to the bealach and down to the Benmore Burn track. We found a path that took us all the way down which we missed on the way up.

After a long hot day we stopped at the Drovers for a well earned drink and chips. Michael lost the vote but enjoyed his pint anyway!

Irene Cahill

start of walk
track past benmore burn
lonely tree
uphill slog
Stob Binnein
Mark on Stob Binnein
Irene on Stob Binnein
dozing again
summit of Stob Binnein
Stob Binnein
Summit of Ben More
Gail, Irene and Michael
busy Ben More summit

Photos: Irene Cahill

Affiliated to:

Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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