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Report on Bute cycle
3 July 2010   (4360 views)

With a weather forecast of heavy rain and 40mph wind, the idea of a cycle to Bute was not inviting. However Gail. Kenny, Richard, Daniel and Myself thought we'd take a chance and caught the 11am ferry from Wemyss Bay to Rothesay.

It was initially quite windy and harder work pushing the bike up the hills but the wind calmed and the sun shone with views of Arran, birds of prey above us and seals at Scalspie Bay. Followed by lunch and a pint or two at the Kingarth Hotel.

Spent a brief time looking round the grounds of Mount Stuart and then one pint before we caught the ferry.

A great day and one I hope we can do again.

Maureen Powell

Maureen Powell

Kenny and Gail
Kenny, Maureen and Gail
The Powells
Richard, Kenny, Daniel and Gail
Looking down

Photos: Maureen Powell

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Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Scottish Youth Hostels Association

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